Nice and floaty, in a good way of course!
Gets the mood of the sheer height of the tower and the clouds hovering and passing by.
In terms of repetition, it's mostly the piano loop that starts low and rises as it repeats that is the thing that stays the same throughout the song. The different synths, singing voices and sweeps keep the song nice and fresh as it goes on.
Same time though, once the song gets to the 3 minute mark the song enters a different stage and a different piano arrives, so then you have some extra variety to make some completely distinct parts of the song.
The only thing I'd say could use some reworking might be the intro, depending on the circumstance the song is used of course.
It starts off slow, with only the wave/water noises before the synth shows up a little bit later. In a video game sense, that'd be where the location name shows up on screen before the player resumes control of the character they are playing.
In a non-video-game sense, the intro is just a little bit too slow when compared to the rest of the other buildups of the song.
Purely my own personal preferences though, nothing outright objectively wrong with the intro of course. haha
Only other thing I could ask about is how there are wave/water noises at the intro and outro, but nowhere else. My best guess is that it was to set a soundtrack to a movie/game mood, and playing it all throughout in the song itself might irritate the listener if they weren't looking at the water causing the noise if they weren't playing a game or watching a movie.
If the waves were in the song for actual instrumentation, I'd say throwing in a few more instances of it would suit the world-building for the song just a bit more.
Other than that, no complaints.
Keep it up!