Kaka-rot indeed!
Good work on the interior muscles and making the blood splatters unique from different ones on Goku's clothes and arms.
Kaka-rot indeed!
Good work on the interior muscles and making the blood splatters unique from different ones on Goku's clothes and arms.
This is some pretty good character art! I especially like how you are able to do multiple clothing crumples and still make the shading consistent throughout. Reminds me that I still need practice in that field. Keep up the good work! :P
His head looks like the Alaskan Bull Worm from SpongeBob. :P
Good work with the cracks and crevices of the floor and columns, I'm also impressed with how well you're able to replicate the effect of using real paint brushes.
That being said, I think the end part of the Lickers tail looks like it's missing a little bit of paint. Going over this area again should fix that though.
Great work overall!
I love the emotion on everyone's face. :P
The shading is consistent with the light sources and the background details are top notch. Only thing that I could point out is that the shadows for the characters near the entrance to the cave could be a little bit more to the left. Other than that, excellent work!
That's a pretty cool art style. Is it your own or is it a style based on the art from the period itself?
Thanks Syrupmasterz! This is inspired from the culture mostly, and beat'em all sidescroller games. The japanese art itself from this era feels quite naïve actually: they had a very different approach from the Western world, and modern perspective or the knowledge of anatomy kicked in late in japan.
Wow! You nailed the realistic-cartoon approach! :D
Only thing I could point out is that on the scythe the blue shine doesn't go all the way until it reaches the blood. Increasing the amount of the blood or going over the shine again and increasing the length would solve that though.
Great work overall!
Don't forget about "too dark to play GameBoy" gamer. :P
It's Ed-E! :D
She looks like an Emily. :P
Ooo I like it! Thank you!
Aang-ry. :P
I am Syrupmasterz, Master Of Syrup and creator/contributor to the cartoons you see before you...
Joined on 4/20/14