Well technically I'm part of a sunrise as well, watching it or otherwise, much alike with the sunset. For example, I'm still recovering from a cold, so I've been sleeping through the day to try and heal up faster, and it was dark when I woke up. The sunset passed without me.
While I missed the chance to watch the sunset, I can look out my window later and watch the sunrise. To the same point, I can also watch the sunset again when I'm able next time it rolls around. There's always another chance, so keep that window open.
Late night foggy brain philosophy aside, I like the colours you have here! I'm no 3D lighting expert, but maybe having a bit of the pink/purple light on the floor would add to the colour dynamic, as a lot of the screen is dominated by the black screen and the text. Worth a quick experiment if you open the file up again. :)
As well, the guy hanging out in the shadows is also facing away from the screen and isn't getting the opportunity to answer a rhetorical philosophy question like I just did. lol