Hey not bad!
On a side note, how do you get your lines to look so smooth? Mine are always come out a bit jagged when I use my tablet. Although in my case it's probably just artist error. haha
Hey not bad!
On a side note, how do you get your lines to look so smooth? Mine are always come out a bit jagged when I use my tablet. Although in my case it's probably just artist error. haha
I had this as well, but apparently it just came down to how I used my brush in my program.
Did you use Paint SAI as well? I guess it doesn't matter which program it is, really. But I always draw zoomed in on my drawing to make less mistakes. While zoomed in, everything looks pixelated, but once I zoom to 100%, it looks good.
Not sure how to do it though. I think it's based on the brush type as well. Oh, and I quickly make a line. Like, *SWOOSH*. I don't draw a line slowly because it would get wobbly then.
And thanks man! :D
Those are some cool expressions you got going on with those gators, whimsical yet intimidating. The poses are well done too! :P
It's also interesting how you're able to keep the design simple and cartoony and still keep all the scale details. I could learn a trick or two from this.
Great work all around, keep it up!
Thanks! I will.
When you miss a shot with low HP and the enemy Worm's team is right next to you...
This is that face...
Haha, totally!
What if his girlfriend is invisible? :P
Then I would've at least got an umbrella for myself, lol. :3
You're going for kind of a polygonal style, so the only real advice I can give you is to try adding some extra grass textures to the hills and ground. Helps to keep everything looking unique and alive no matter what you're making. :)
Some good games to learn from would be the Uncharted games, they have TONS of lush forests but they all look unique without seeming like all the textures were put in at once.
Granted you're not a 200+ people team, but you can definitely learn a trick or two from giving the levels a glance.
Good luck man!
Thank you for the great advice! I'm still learning on the texturing part and how to use it in unreal engine 4. The uncharted games are amazing and I totally agree with you. I'm very inspired to try make an environment like their games which I'm sure it will take awhile for me to learn. The texturing part is little complicated to use UV map and placing it in right spot in UE4 actually.
Thanks for taking your time to give me the feedback, man :)
Oh cool you're in animation school!
I recently graduated so I'll give you some friendly advice. SLEEP!
A sleepy animator is a slow animator, so stay rested so you can stay awake during lessons and work periods. haha
...Also this art is adorable and well drawn. :P
Thank you so much for the advice! <333
I haven't taken any animation classes yet because we have to go through art foundations first D:
But I'm excited!!
Why are diamonds badass?
Because the only thing that can cut a diamond is another diamond. That is why.
Cool sprite work though. :P
Thank you! Diamonds are indeed badass, this guy won't be too hard to smash if you get the rocky parts though :P
" Also, plz ignore my awful lineart, idk what I'm doing¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "
As far as sketchy line arts go, I wouldn't worry too much.
Just keep practicing and your lines will become more controlled if that's what you are after. 'Cuz hey! There is no rule against having a stylistic line choice the one you just used. :P
The cloth and wall details are good, and you emulated the spooky pale skin shading from the game pretty well. Only thing I can suggest looking into more reference with is the floor boards.
A few of the smudges make the perspective seem a little bit flat, but other than that I can't think of anything else to point out.
Don't beat yourself up too much. :P
Keep up the great work!
Thankyou so much! I'll try to work on all the stuff you mentioned, thanks for the advice~
I have a mini card set because my brother got them from a school Secret Santa one year...AS WELL I can say that I like the camera angle and composition in this particular comic. :P
That's neato. I haven't played an actual game with these cards yet however. Seems funny though. And yeah, I took several pictures because it was kinda hard to get it right. I needed to make the focus go somewhere, and best place to do so seemed to be the cards at the front. Because objects further away need to seem blurry.
I'm glad you like it, Syrup! :]
Certainly not the most handicap-accessible shrine out there...:P
You did a wonderful job with the rock and water details, and the great attention to lighting effects brought the whole thing to life. People working to create 3D works from this image would have no problem trying to figure out exactly what you wanted.
Awesome job!
Haha yeah I need to add a ramp in there or something :D
Glad this would translate to 3D with ease tho! Thanks for the comment!
I am Syrupmasterz, Master Of Syrup and creator/contributor to the cartoons you see before you...
Joined on 4/20/14