Neh-vah Geev Aup! D:<
I've watched your drawing skills improve since I joined this site, and the improvement is going to continue for you as long as you keep at it. We've all had our moments where we see incredible art and feel like we may never reach that level, myself included.
However, I've since learned that I should no longer beat myself up when I look at other peoples art, instead I get inspired. I look back to my first digital drawings on my computer, and trust me; there is a MOUNTAIN of improvement from my past work.
I then think, "I'm sure this super crazy talented artist whose art amazes me has ALSO improved upon their earlier work."
Some peoples skills develop faster than others, but that shouldn't discourage you. You need to look at your own skills and reflect upon how you've improved and how you can do better in the future.
Nothing good will come from abandoning your art. I can speak from experience.
There was a time when I got so irritated at my art that I almost stopped drawing recreationally completely. Hardly any of my art had any effort put in and were scribbles at best.
However, I then realized that I missed drawing, that I had found it fun to draw.
I was less concerned with my skill level and was more satisfied with the fact that I was making something I found amusing and creative. Other people can draw things that fascinate me, but the things I drew on paper were created by me.
Simple inside joke drawings or goofy doodles made me happy, and I started drawing regularly again. Once I started drawing more, naturally my art skills improved in art class and on my own time.
We all enter art funks or art blocks once in a while, but we have to break through them and try and remember why we draw in the first place.
With that said, your art managed to impress Team17 itself. Your Worms fan-art managed to catch the attention of the very company that you were making art about. Not to mention you are currently celebrating a milestone on DeviantArt.
Looking at this image here the line work seems good. You've based the characters off the Worms games and used their colour pallets. Shading is consistent and has a good light source.
I definitely wouldn't call it terrible.
You shouldn't stop now, and you should never judge your art to the work of others.
Instead, look at HOW they draw their art, and see if you can understand the techniques they used, and guess how they approach their drawings.
You should use other art as an inspiration and as a learning tool.
In fact, you should look at the art that made you want to quit, and thoroughly examine it.
Try asking these questions to yourself...
-What program did they use?
-How did they make it?
-When did they make it?
-There is a Speed Painting of this? Maybe I could watch it...
-What kind of brushes did they use?
-Is there a technique I can learn from this?
-Could I try and use this technique on my own art?
-That's an interesting camera angle, I could try to learn from this!
Every image can be a learning experience, if you know how to look at it.
By all means take a break though, play games, do things that you enjoy.
Soon enough the creative spark will come back and you'll forget why you wanted to give up on art to begin with. :)
Sorry this was so long and wordy. I guess since you were the one who scouted me I feel as though I need to be the one to help you look at your art in a more positive light. You put a pretty big smile on my face when you praised my art and told me that I was now able to post to the art portal. I'm sure it's how you felt when you got scouted. :P
Anyways, best of luck man. I'm sure you'll feel better about yourself in no time!